
Unhide a viber chat
Unhide a viber chat

Therefore, by archiving conversations it is understood that you have not completely got rid of them, you have just moved them. How to see all hidden chats on TelegramĪs we specified at the beginning, your idea is to hide the chats without having to delete them. Click on the Archive button and all of them will be hidden, no need to go one by one. In the event that your idea is to archive several conversations at the same time, select them all so that the top bar of buttons that we have discussed previously appears. If you’ve made a mistake and want to go back, you can select Cancel in the bar that will appear at the bottom of the screen so that the chat returns to its original place. Just by clicking on that Archive option, the chat will be hidden. The button you must select to achieve your goal is the one to the left of the trash can, represented by a drawer with a down arrow.

unhide a viber chat unhide a viber chat

First, click on the chat you want to archive to bring up a bar with different options on top. Like hiding chats on WhatsApp, what you must do in Telegram to remove conversations from the main screen will only take a few seconds. Read more If you buy a lot online and use Telegram you need this bot yes or yes

Unhide a viber chat